Monday, 6 October 2008

Wealth Creation – Time to wake up!

There are only 2 flavors of opinions about Wealth Creation –
Category 1: I am not materialistic; all I want is a simple yet content life, doesn’t get better
Category 2: I want to create wealth, lots of it; life opens up every time I thinks this is it

You must fall in one of the above categories of people. I am opinionated and have to give my thoughts however idiotic they might sound on every thing I lay my hands or mind on. So flows my thoughts on wealth creation..

Category 1 – I’m not materialistic: Excuse for being incompetent and lazy I reckon; it is fuzzy and interchangeable to say – how much more you want AND how much you don’t want. If a person says, I don’t want to create wealth coz I have enough and I’m contented – then how much is enough? There is a fine line between capacity (the lack of it, I mean) and satisfaction; in most cases the former leads to the later. But the good thing is capacity is expansive in nature; the only impediment to this nature of capacity is mere laziness. Summarizing the intentionally philosophical afore-mentioned statements: LAZINESS -> [shrinks] -> CAPACITY -> [leads to] -> SATISFACTION. It provokes anger and shame to find the result of the wonderings about the Category 1 people leads to identifying something as silly as “laziness” being the root cause of making the world’s majority the way they are – over spoken & under achieving.

Category 2 – I want to create wealth: They are normal people according to me; I belong to this category myself. So I can talk about my life instead of giving opinions. At every stage of my life I had dreams. Eventually when I either achieved or got closer to a dream, the dream got bigger and I didn’t achieve it or got farther from my dream -> a pull-push sort of phenomenon; but never have I got complete satisfaction as there is always something out there. I can’t explain better, try and imagine this: Let’s say living a life is to reach out to the circle around us, then you do it only to realize there is a bigger circle behind it, you reach out to the bigger circle, an even bigger circle that makes the previous big circle a small circle – this continues endlessly. I call it the “Life Opening Up” phenomenon. Creating wealth is not bad for those of you who just didn’t get what I said – it is good. In fact it is so good that in the process of creating this wealth, it is almost imperative that 2 great things happen – a) you create value (b) many more people around you create wealth and in turn create value and make even more people create wealth and so on. Fortunately, this is like a chain reaction massively compensating for the thoughtlessness of the Category 1 majority in this planet.

What Category 1 think about Category 2? I don’t know if Category 2 is special, may be to Category 1 people it might seem like it. Some Category 1 people might even think the wealth creators are greedy and bad people, without fun, a happy life and peace of mind. Consolation - for what they could not achieve. Excuse - for not drifting out of their comfort zone of “laziness”.

This is not to show off, but to emphasize my point –
I traveled in over 30 countries
I have a swiss watch, iPhone, Gucci wallet, Prada shades, 2 cars
I enjoyed operas, ballets and concerts around the world
I bank offshore in 5 different currencies
I missed intl flights just because I was having a good time with friends
I donated thousands of dollars on charity
I traveled continents just to meet up with a friend and have a coffee
I have been to many great museums, appreciate world art and music
I am 24 and
I think I have done nothing!

You think I am a show-off, bad and greedy, you could just do so. I don’t care. But what you read are things many people even after retirement could only dream of. Think again! You think it is all worth losing just because of something as silly as “laziness”, I’d say TIME TO WAKE THE HELL UP!

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